Friday, November 9, 2012


1. Consider writing A list of Titles of lists to best capture this morning list-making experience
2. View friends' blog about people-as-lists. (I am this music, these places, these people, these books, these ideas.) Beautiful portraits capturing form and essence. (But still makes me anxious. or listless? I thought they were synonyms. Turns out they are definitely not.)
3. "Listin'" to Your Heart
4. Write a list of all of the tiny, impractical, wild, beautiful goals and dreams and projects (dress-making, gardening, homemade cider, humanitarian aid, peace corps, articulate blogs, etc)
5. Find out how much time Mind Judge Judy actually spends in session. Every time she makes a comment on somebody else, I identify her. 
6. Read about Doctors Without Borders and then imagine joining the Peace Corps.
7. Decide with fervor, yes, this is where I need to be, away from the enormous mental brain of lists and orgasmic circles disguised as neat little narratives, digging trenches and getting my hands dirty and listening. To be with other humans and hear stories and to shut my little face and do some good old fashioned hard work.
8. Chopin or Liszt?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Lightbulb Game

1. Routine: Sing The Thrilling Morning Song as The Mayor of Morning Town
2. Warehousisms: Kissed by a Rose, Dreidel, Upon Your Lips "you're my/my dick"
3. Play dead, watch friends play dead, resurrect on third day like Simon, but don't wait three days.
4. Who is the Mayor of Evening Town?
5. Confession Booth Bathroom
6. Sit and drink coffee and type the show's theses.
7. Create aphorisms/warkentinisms/imagined truths/stolen ideas: "Truth is, essentially a creative act" and "the point is... have a resilient imagination, you'll need it... to imagine there is a truth.
8. Imagine a world in which this is true.
9. John Malkovitch Game. Some day.
10. Coffee, soup, bread. Hot yoga.
11. Cold yoga.
12. Inspiration.
13. Dream of the play.
14. Cut and paste literary love letters, rather than attempt to write your own. It's po-mo-ro-mo.
15. Imagine the movies you will see.
16. Have your cake and eat it too!
17. Know that all of this is primal behavior disguised as civilization. Compare yourself to the magpie in the tree, who is probably not thinking how he will be better on another day, when he is a better bird.
18. Finally begin your ahhhrt blog. Satisfaction.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Memory Game

1. Stare and observe, step out of predator/prey, notice something new.
2. Wildness. Express. Absorb.
3. Wander and wander, through graveyards and bat-covered trees.
4. Decide if you perceive consolation or threats in saintly text.
5. Heart-to-hearts, graffiti hop-skotch in alma park, glitter snail fire pole.
6. Symbolic meaning in everything, challenge of erasing
7. Memory game. Have an experience with another person and write down what you remember. Top 10 things.
8. Collective dreaming?
9. Imagine who you would be with no limitations
10. List your heroes: Anais Nin, Jans Svankmeyer, Bjork, Dali, David Lynch, Stephin Merritt

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The 8-Day Design

1. Life reframed as games I played with myself, day in and day out. The game of the scene, the game of the moment: what is the fun here, the lesson, the anecdote, the rule of the moment that you are playing by? What do you remember from your past 8 days, in 8 memories?
2. Sometimes I don't want to play a game, and I don't want to find the rule, I'd rather it found me.
3. A poem with numbers is a list, a list with numbers is a poem
4. "There is no truth without god, there is no god without truth," -Wankertin Bruce; an alias I used earlier in my career (ie, pre-thirties)
5. Imagine again, Dream #4256: The Malkovich game. Write a list of very specific things you would do during our day, a recipe for a typical day-in-the-life, including thoughts only you would have. Put them in a hat and exchange. Live exactly, moment by moment, the life of the other player(s). Recount how everything has changed. (Exchanges with loved ones, with strangers. Live as a hermit, a debutante. Work in a suit, sit naked on a pier, experience varying degrees of ease and dis-ease)
6. Contemplate my trembling rabbit imagination, hopping free through green Gertrude Stein dada hills and being tucked away in magician's hats until pulled out by the ears.
7. Think in images, think linear
8. Contemplate yoga for self-defense.
9. Meet the neighborhood kitten!
10. 90 minute morning yoga- burn away what you don't need
11. Talk to parents, see your face in theirs
12. Create your story blog, your art blog, your simple blog (where?), your ambition blog, your marionette blog, your sexygirlseatingpancakes blog, feastyoureyes
13. Keep reading! Marionettes!
14. Breakthroughs, lights, knowledge, glowing apple.
15. See a Melbourne Fringe Show- go over the Genesis family tree. Patriarchy, melodrama, sexy angry Yahweh. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Throw it in the Fire

1. Website.
2. Run.
3. Yoga
4. Music.
5. Silence.
6. Bike ride.
7. Fear.
8. Tiny pickles
9. Far away
10. Story about elderly woman's death by greeting herself as a baby. Melting.
11. Science fiction, double feature.
12. Sore throat.
13. Cold.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Free Time & Theological Giggles

1. Call a bedridden best friend and laugh and don't ever forget to say I love you.
2. Call everyone out to do yoga. Be still.
3. Get dressed. Go for a walk with a friend, talk about Free Time and Third World Countries, and how there is plenty of free time everywhere, there is a time and a place for staring into space.
4. Take on the challenge of complete silence or parallel book reading with a friend.
5. Meet people and dogs in parks. Admire attractive lesbians playing croquet.
6. Disregard your intuition, go in for aggressive and shy hugs with the pirate people.
7. In conversation, think carefully before replying. Newfound appreciation for Long Walk Think Time.
8. Ask a stranger, Who Am I To You?
9. Drink the most bitter espresso, eat expensive meusli, buy 4.00 fruit.
10. Return home and pore through the pages of St. Anthony, laugh about Jesus' non-omnipotence as a team.
11. Try hummus in a can. It tastes how you would suspect.
12. Practice Chopin Ballade 1, extemporize.
13. Type away the day's list.
14. You're my 12:17.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Does This Sound Like An Abyss?"

1. Kundalini on a pirate ship.
2. Breakfast with the star of King Kong the Musical by a Bjork producer...?
3. Contemporary Mythology Pop
4. "I Want Phat Beats"
5. Sydney Road Walk. New dress, red belt.
6. Music at home- I covet because I love it!
7. Skype to far-away land

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fireball, Rain, Blood, Intervals. Dream song.

1. Wake up completely at 6:00AM.
2. Begin writing. Today's intention- to make everyone around me feel beautiful, hilarious, intelligent.
3. Read manifestos and laugh. Enjoy the possibility of a lively reading of all of these manifestos combined into one performance.
 4. Talk too much.
 5. Go on a run; expand.
6. Write messages to everybody.
7. Listen to the powerful rain on the warehouse roof. Play a song to it. D minor.
8. Music camp with Mat. Solfege/Australian Solfege and Lovely Day. Free Time.
9. God Bless the Child. Receive email from a beloved friend's mother telling her to keep this secret.
10. Long coffee talks at Jellystone Cafe and delicious meusli
11. Discussions of Honest Interaction, Wrapture and the Right Cheesus
12. Putter Around. Covet your neighbor's ox. Devil and angel. 10 Commandment improv.
13. Girl's night, Man meeting
14. Realize what you love in your life, and what is true.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Return to Melbourne: Day One

1. Write a list of alternate titles to Day One: Million-Dollar Horse Massacre, Languages of Robot Future, Bojangles Ballade 1, Ravel and the Name of the Missing Composer, Shy Artist, Problems of Nobility, Notes on Magical Regression/Repression, Tiger Toast
2. Read Mark Twain's "A Tramp Abroad" to get an idea of how one writes humorous travel anecdotes. 3. Get ranked, be an ellen among ellens, a self among selves
4. Do yoga
5. Hesitate before that perfect flat white
6. Remember everything is right here all the time.
7. Do not be afraid or rushed, too slow or fast, everything with a gracious smile
8. Spew the feelings words, a love letter, as follows: Melbourne I tried to remember exactly what I did last time as I stepped out of the airplane, where I went and what I felt, and all of the raw smells. This will not be that, this will be this. And a little sadness at what is this and not that, holding fast to belief in goodness. But do not apply any pressure, let it unfold, let me love. And where there is no fear (seabirds where the fear once grew) there is a new confidence, an excitement, anticipation, pacing around a cold warehouse, delicious apple, train sounds, catching up with my 12-day-as-month ex-boyfriend, trouble in mind, schwalessness, peace and piercing
9. be tense and puttering and sleepy
10. remember today's inspiration M.E. You and your laugh
11. Laugh and laugh and laugh