Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Day Two is Day One is Heart Rot

1. I am a person who does This. (When you are not sure what kind of person you are, remember you are the person who does This.)
2. Roll out one lonely bin.
3. Watch the blackest smoke burst from behind the stucco Victorians.
4. I remember that time when that friend of yours tried to leave her silhouette on the earth and I was just pouting because I think it made you love me less.
5. Not Evil, Just Desperate
6. That rolling-eye half-lid kind of crackle-throated cynicism where I say things as though I have a death wish and a cigarette in my mouth
7. Perform the motions of love. Dry-rotted heart.
8. "In trees, heart rot is a fungal disease that causes the decay of wood at the center of the trunk and branches."
9. Who will remind me?
10. Touchstone. There is no picture that will describe it.
11. There's a video I shouldn't have watched of you where you are holding back a laugh. (I love you most any time you are soft-bellied and not You.)
12. Fire-bellied frog.
13. Boots with no stockings.
14. It's too cold, it's too soon, it's too much.
15. Somewhere my compassion is hovering above me like the ripest raincloud. My empathy bots are chasing you right now. Infusing you with light. Giving you pills. Petting your head. Everything you need.
16. My body, my little center of the universe dissolves. I want all of my good molecules to bond with yours til you are The Best.
17. To contain it, to make it a formula. Something is wrong, it's probably me.
18. What do I let go of?
19. Bottle-feed
20. Rollercoaster.