Sunday, February 4, 2018

Things To Say To Your Reflection (And Other Public Transport Games)

1. Look it right in its flaming eye, in the subway glass, and say I WILL FIND YOU with determination, there is determination above those dark circles.
2. Distract it and the memory of it by making a scavenger hunt for the following things: the reddest lips, the nicest nails, the best boots, the strongest child, the purplest hair, the most starving artist, the sick man with the pirate patch, the teenager who looks most like Prince, the quietest heart, the friendliest smile, the most suspicious eye
3. Just remember as a statement how many mirrors there are, and be somebody's mirror, like that Velvet Underground song
4. Say to it, "The time for palm readers, tarot cards, wishes, and kings is over. Now is the time to sit by the brook and hear it babble. That babble of train track clickety clack."
5. The Fool's Journey
6. you have Nerves like weeds
7. you grow Patience like poppies
8. "Yes you have given me all the reasons why not, but what about all of the reasons why? This is why not. This is why. Why? Why not?" either liberating or profoundly not.
9. Leaves clues in places, in the shape of a cloud of perfume
10. There is enough room for all of us. Allow me to disappear and reappear several times.
11. Yours is not mine is mine is yours