Wednesday, May 29, 2019

In No Particular Order

1. Consider the thick droplets of water on the faces of your lovers and healers
2. Play Witch in the rain, know you can cackle if you want, choose not to cackle, but take note in case you want to upgrade from chuckle
3. Read about the symbolism of the egg, crack the egg with its veins, use three hands as one, watch the yolk burst in the rain
4. Unearth the soil
5. We are the weirdos, Mister
6. The breath, the vibration, the warmth, the weight, the skin, the bark, the leaves, the taste of your lover the tree your lover the friend your lover the one you fear, the one who loves you without tender words the one who loves you far away loves you
7. My love language is laughter, Wild laughter, whispered laughter, inappropriate laughter, unashamed laughter, belly laughter, laughter between kisses, handshakes, high fives, free laughter, infinite all the time laughter, memories of laughter, solemn space in between
7b. My love language is the Sacred Pause
8. My love language is the tree, a quiet steady moment of security, no need to move or prove or apologize or keep up, the quiet moments holding hands side by side hand in hand in green, the quiet moment of being and witnessing being. Of seeing and being seen.
9. The walk and the hop
10. The relief
11. Litty Liddy Littie
12. Jerome go home come back when you've grown
13. Be in prison only when you are in prison
14. Be proud of us for what we might call shame but choose to call pride this moment is liberation empowerment embracing the love that belongs to us the joy the sensuality that belongs to us the live that belongs to us the world that belongs to us the breath that belongs to us
15. I. Stay. With. Me.