Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Arguments Between Self and Skyline

1. Lean over, create that list of what you can shout into sublime spaces such as ocean or cavern or skyline; "The frog is staying!" or "Do you love me?" or "Take me, moon."
2. When you lean deep into that self chasm, listen to echoes of the voice that says "How do I love you?"
3. There must have been a moment today in between sweaty pores where there was light.
4. You are everywhere, and completely silent.
5. Social media is killing me.
6. Tonglen, Breathe in pain and breathe out goodness.
7. Lights flickering on and off, haunted old building
8. Tell yourself that nothing has meaning, write that down until it means something
9. I want to love myself again.
10. I am all out of love, but not out of lists.

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